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Monday, April 21, 2014



Maintenance Plan and Schedule – the five elements

A customized comprehensive carpet care program consists of five elements:

  1. Soil Containment – isolation of soil entering the building using mats at entrances.
  2. Vacuuming – scheduled frequency for removal of dry soil using a CRI approved “Green Label” vacuum.
  3. Spot and Spill Removal System - using professional spot removal techniques.
  4. Interim Cleaning – scheduled frequency appearance cleaning for all traffic areas.
  5. Restorative Cleaning – scheduled frequency deep cleaning to remove residues and trapped soils.
Carpet care |

There are some conditions where appearance change must be expected. In areas where
the oily material from asphalt sealers is tracked into the building, carpet and other
flooring may become yellowed over time. Check the traffic lanes often for slight dulling
of color; this indicates a build up of soil. It is virtually impossible to remove all of this
material once it has penetrated the fiber of any carpet. Entrance mats and scheduled
cleaning can reduce this phenomenon. Areas where large amounts of sandy soil enter the
building may become dull in appearance over time. This is due to abrasion of the fiber
surface, affecting the reflection of light. Frequent vacuuming helps to minimize this

A thoughtfully designed and implemented maintenance program performed by qualified
personnel, properly equipped and trained, is essential for optimal long-term performance.
If you don’t maintain it, you can’t
expect it to stay clean.

Carpet Performance

Start with the right carpet choices that lead to the best end-use carpet performance.
1. Specifications : Was the carpet properly specified in relation to the intended use of the carpet at its location?
2. Color Selection : Was the proper color selected to meet traffic conditions,intensity of sunlight, etc.?
3. Installation : Was the carpet installed according to CRI’s Standard for Installation Specification of Commercial Carpet1?
4. Maintenance : Has a scheduled maintenance plan been designed to serve the needs of the location?

Carpet performance is directly related to specification, installation and proper
maintenance. When the right style of carpet is chosen and it is professionally installed, a
professionally designed and instituted maintenance program will increase the life
expectancy and performance of that carpet. Color selection is critical in long term
appearance retention. For example, a light color cut pile is a poor choice in heavy traffic
areas; a darker color loop pile will retain its appearance longer and is a better choice in
heavy traffic areas. Facility managers and maintenance supervisors who understand this
concept can increase the longevity of the carpet and save on future capital replacement cost.
There is a big difference between cleaning carpet and maintaining carpet. Cleaning is the
removal of apparent soil. For many commercial carpet owners, cleaning takes place
irregularly, on an “as needed” basis. Soiling, however, is a cumulative process which, if
allowed to go too far, cannot easily be reversed. Maintenance, in contrast to cleaning,
is a scheduled on-going process of soil removal designed to maintain carpet’s daily
appearance at a consistent level of cleanliness.

Carpet performance is most effectively enhanced and maintained when the following

  • Cleaning is the process of locating, identifying, containing, removing, and properly disposing of unwanted material. This means removing unwanted substances from an environment or environmental compartment. When exposure is reduced, the probability of an adverse effect is also reduced.
  •  Constant attention to and application of principles of maximum restorative cleaning and minimum residue, especially as they apply to safety, the proper and effective use of chemicals, carpet extraction machines, and vacuum cleaners.

  •  A recognition that carpet care must take all of the following into account, the management of sources of unwanted substance that can get into the carpet; the activity levels; design of carpet; the Environment in which carpet is installed; and ventilation.

Consistent management program emphasizes:

  - Effective cleaning systems directed at maximum restorative cleaning, minimum
residue, safety, and ease of use Cost effective cleaning strategy, plan, schedule
  - Training and recognition of cleaning technicians  Periodic inspection,
assessment and management review of cleaning programs

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