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Thursday, February 25, 2010



1 . Guest self serve Laundromats consist of washers and dryers. The guest pays a fee to have usage of the machine. The Laundromats must be cleaned and inspected daily to ensure no buildup of lint, and prevent from spontaneous combustion.
     2. Guest elevators are only for the guests to use. They are located throughout the ship and are made of fine furnishings, therefore you are not authorized to use them for daily work purposes, or for any work purposes unless authorized or assigned by your supervisor.
     3. Guest Gym  is designed for guest usage only. It is an area where workout and exercise machines are available. Therefore expect the presence of bodily fluids through sweat. The gym requires the usage of a disinfectant cleaner.
      4. Hair salon  is available for guest beauty needs. It is where a guest can get a haircut, massage, use the steam room or sauna.


     5. Infirmary is a hospital. The infirmary is for both guest and employee. 

     6. Lounges are locations where guests socialize and beverages (alcohol) are usually served. Many lounges are located throughout the ship and have different themes. The main show lounge is where entertainment takes place.

7. Meeting rooms are rooms that are used by guests for religious, ceremonial, or business purposes. Each of our ships has multiple meeting rooms.

 8. Offices are work headquarters for each location. Offices are available for each department head to conduct their daily business.

 9. Public walkways are long passages, wide or narrow, connecting different locations of the ship to each other.  Sometimes called hallways or corridors.

 10. Public restrooms are used by guests only. These are private and individual rooms for each males and females. The guests use them for personal refreshing, cleaning and discharge of bodily fluids and waste.

 11. Restaurants are the main eating locations for our guests. There are three types of restaurants on each of our ships. The first is fine-dining with full table service, the second is a buffet-style service where the guests serve themselves off a food line, cafeteria style and the third is premium-dining at the Pinnacle Grill

 12. Shop Arcade are locations available for guests to purchase souvenirs, gifts and personal items. 
 13. Theater (cinema) is an area where movies are played for guest entertainment. This room can also be used for meetings or religious services.

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